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Greater mental clarity

Getting in touch with your situation; bringing crucial issues to awareness

Emotional awakening

Revealing the inventory of our psychological junkyard

Getting in touch with who you are -- essentially, spiritually

Greater mental clarity

Can the inner dog -- sex energy and drive -- aid mental clarity? You bet!

Perception, awareness, and consciousness itself, rise and fall with energy level. In a lower energy state, we all have less consciousness. Higher energy gives us a higher horsepower brain to think with and see with.

We're all familiar with plenty of examples of the link between energy and mental clarity. We don't focus well when we're extremely tired. Tired workers make mistakes. Many people even take it for granted that, "I can't think until I drink my two cups of coffee in the morning."

Click here to read the article "Energy & Understanding."

Of course, coffee isn't the ONLY way to turn up the juice to the brain, and clear the fog. Sexual excitement does, too.

A common misunderstanding about sex and consciousness

When we say sex raises consciousness, people frequently disagree. They say, "I think of sexual desire as an unconscious swoon. It seems like people are LESS conscious, not more conscious, while they're having sex."

How sex got the unconsciousness rep

Granted, the intensely pleasurable sensations we get from sex play tend to attract our attention inward. But when we swoon, we're going overboard in that direction -- by choice. The unconsciousness people may experience in sex doesn't come FROM sex; it's a reaction TO sex. Specifically, it's a reaction against the higher consciousness sex tends to raise. Here's how that happens, in three steps.




Desire is not unconscious; desire is keen. With sex energy fired up, awareness of one's partner TENDS to be more acute. "It's too real," we may feel.

We TRY to go unconscious when we don't want to see/feel as much as sexual aliveness allows us to. We lower ourselves by reacting AGAINST the higher consciousness that sexual aliveness is creating.

We confuse our own reactions to an experience with the experience itself. The first time Joe rode a galloping horse, he was terrified, and he hung on white-knuckle tight out of fear of falling. After that, Joe always thought of galloping on a horse as a tense, unpleasant experience. However, his friend Tim, who loves thrills, says galloping is just plain exhilarating.

Neither of those associations are inherent in the experience of riding a galloping horse; they're both human reactions TO the experience. But we often fail to separate those two DIFFERENT things -- experience and reaction -- in our minds. Thus we wrongly assume that the unconscious swoon, which is actually our reaction to sex, is the very nature of sex itself. But the two are OPPOSITES.

More compelling fantasy and visualization

Bringing into life the power of lucid VISIONING is another thing the inner dog can help with. Higher consciousness means seeing in sharper, clearer focus. The way sexual fantasies take shape during the sex act demonstrates this phenomenon. As a sexual experience progresses, fantasies tend to be foggy at first. But as energy rises, fantasies sharpen, sharpen, sharpen, sharpen until, at the heights of passion, the images are much more vivid, detailed, and clear.

Sexual fantasies are just one example of the many ways humans use imagination to visualize desired events. As you know, clear visualization is hugely important in all areas of life. We are very unlikely to achieve a goal we can't clearly visualize. The ability to clearly visualize things counts just as much as confidence, because people only strive for things that seem REAL to them.

Good question:


I find that for me, experiences of high passion and energy are like a two-edged sword. At first I feel fantastic, but half of the time, I end up feeling worse than before.
see answer

Getting in touch with your situation; bringing crucial issues to awareness

Animal desire shines a particularly bright spotlight of consciousness on the state of our social relations and our social life.

"Eros calculates its relations to others from the standpoint of its own need of others." -- Reinhold Niebuhr

Once inflamed, feelings of desire naturally motivate us to make a "state of the heart" assessment. In that assessment, we ponder questions such as these:

To WHOM can I relate more intimately?

WHAT is the quality of my potential relationships?

HOW would sex impact those relationships?

WHAT is the quality of my ongoing intimacy (if I have one)?

Through all of those considerations, what might be called animal lust raises questions about the quality of our interactions and the viability of our relationships. The inner dog is making us think about crucial matters -- in ways that only HUMANS can think.

to read more about the state of the heart assessment, click here

Emotional awakening

High energy awakens living emotions as well as mental clarity. Have you ever noticed how emotional people get at award ceremonies, or on birthdays? It isn't JUST the nature of the occasion that's making them emotional -- it's ENERGY. The energy of all those people, focused on YOU, helps raise your energy level to the "emotion point." Sex can have the same effect -- when it comes to boil, that is. That's when people experience those strong, spontaneous emotions that are often associated, mysteriously, with sex.

Whether or not we can fully explain sexual emotions, their benefits are not hard to understand. First, of course, FEELING things is much better than NOT feeling them. Second, the emotional responses triggered by higher energy are cleansing. Third, emotions are full of power. Therefore, to share your emotions with others can be powerfully NURTURING.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, emotions triggered by sex are informative and revealing. Just as mental clarity helps us SEE state-of-the-heart issues, living emotions help us FEEL those issues. We understand MUCH more deeply when our understanding moves beyond the intellectual level. With emotional comprehension, we are implicated, involved, moved, motivated -- perhaps even changed.

Good questions:



I find that not all the emotions triggered in me by higher energies are positive.
see answer

As strange as this sounds, I find it hard to deal with unusually positive emotions.
see answer

Revealing the inventory of our psychological junkyard

When energy catalyzes emotional awakening, the resulting experience can be like a spiritual revelation in itself. As part of the revelation, our "stuff" is likely to arise: fears, hang-ups, objections -- in short, the whole inventory of the psychological junkyard. We may be attached to a lot of it, but it still holds us back. For that reason, it helps to review the inventory as it arises, and see whether we're ready to throw any of it out. The following slide show lists some of love-limiting psychological content that typically comes to light:

To get a chance to see/feel/experience the "junk" is, in reality, a gift of great potential value. You can't solve a problem you don't have. When we see it in ourselves, we can start to address it -- then, and ONLY then!

Getting in touch with who you are -- essentially, spiritually

Ultimately, what higher energy reveals about who we are is very POSITIVE. Generally, a person full of sexual aliveness feels SO much more himself or herself. This is getting in touch with who you TRULY are. The higher you go in consciousness, the more likely you are to realize your own essential identity (just as, in higher consciousness, you are more likely to perceive the higher identity of others) -- and that is BEAUTIFUL. Here is how one woman describes her experience of getting in touch with her true Self as a result of raising her energy:

"When I'm in a lower state, I tend to feel more fearful and unsure of myself. I tend to think about all kinds of negative things, and it's really hard to discipline my mind. It's hard to do a lot of things, because my thinking is just not very positive.

But when I've raised my state, and my energy is higher, my thoughts are much brighter and much clearer. I get all kinds of inspirations I know are coming to me from God. And suddenly I feel like I can do these things, I have no problem manifesting these things. And it's wonderful!

I feel this love stirring inside of me, and I want to give that love. I just feel like I have so much to give, so much to feel, so much to create. It's beautiful."

Clearly, discovering your own nature is a great and wonderful thing. Finding your higher self creates a platform for higher action, higher purpose, and the unfolding of your true destiny as a child of God. If you don't remember your spiritual identity, and embrace it, how can you possibly uplift people with who you are? So a better idea of who you are is certainly one of the most valuable benefits of energy-raising -- courtesy of the inner dog.

Once you know who you are, the step is BEING it. Sometimes we know who we are, but aren't willing to MANIFEST that. Fortunately, the inner dog helps here too: Strong sexual excitement increases your desire to be who you are, and decreases your inhibitions about that.

Of course, people wonder: Isn't it just as possible for higher energy to simply magnify a person's flaws, and make them feel and behave worse than usual, rather than better? This question is certainly legitimate, since we've all seen occasions when that happens! The road of energy raising leads to true realizations of spiritual identity, but ONLY if one follows the upward path far enough to GET THERE. It is always possible to take the turbo-charged power of energized mind, and detour into self-images that may well be superficial and selfish. For example:

Or, a person in a high energy state can pump all their energy into a depressing self-image: "I'm NOBODY. I'm a terrible person."

We may even make foolish and destructive DECISIONS about who we THINK we are or WISH we are, rather than accurate intuitions of who we ESSENTIALLY ARE. These subjective self-images can be highly problematical. The only thing worse than a negative person is a negative person with a LOT of energy! You know how dangerous that is: "I'm a hell-raiser, and I'm going to take this energy and go out and raise some hell!"

click here for audio

Fortunately, if the upward path is religiously followed, there's no doubt about a positive outcome: an upward shift in spiritual identification.

Click to hear Marina's testimonial

"Raising your energy is an incredible spiritual tool for knowing who you are. When I'm in a state of higher energy and consciousness, I feel very much my Self -- like the person God made me to be. I feel like a woman, and I feel a wonderful sense of openness and connectedness. I have beautiful emotion to share, and connection with my friends. And I want to be with everyone!

I want EVERYONE to know who they really are, and how much they truly have to give. When you raise your consciousness, you find out who God made you to be. And then when you BE that and you GIVE that, everyone around you is truly blessed."

I love you

with all my heart.

Read Part 3: More Power and Drive to Create Change

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Using the Inner Dog: Higher Consciousness

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To whom can I relate more intimately?

Not always, but usually, sexual desire is directed to PEOPLE. For example, when single people get in the mood for sex, they think about WHO!

What if there's no one on the list? If you are desirous, but you have no one to turn to, the pain of loneliness and isolation will certainly arise. But that's not all bad. It would certainly cause you to reflect on that state of affairs -- and on your relationship status in general. And it would tend to feed the motivation for relationship (particularly in those for whom hookers and one night stands have little appeal!). Again, that may be a very good thing.

What is the quality of my potential relationships?

Perhaps there are some potential partners in your life. In that case, questions like these arise:

"How do I feel about the prospects on my list?"

"How am I getting along with each of them?"

Here, in answer to the BODY'S desire for sex, the HEART and SOUL are asserting their own feelings, values, and standards. And that, once again, is a good thing.

Sometimes, the answer may be, "No WAY would it be appropriate to have sex with this person." But then too, it is not always an open and shut case. The conclusion might be, "Things are not right for sex NOW -- or YET. Maybe I ought to improve this relationship, and THEN see what feels right." This line of questioning would tend to increase our motivation to improve our existing relationships.

How would sex impact those relationships?

The sexual drive raises important questions about the probable IMPACT of sex on relationships. The classic example: Tina and Rick have long been friends, but they are now thinking about becoming lovers. At this juncture, both of them are wondering, "If I become sexual with this friend, what's the aftermath? How is that going to affect the way we relate? What would it mean?" Interesting issues, of great depth and importance.

What is the quality of my ongoing intimacy (if any)?

In the context of existing partnership, quality-of-intimacy questions take on a special significance. For example: Mark feels like having sex, but since he and his wife haven't been getting along very well lately, sex has fallen by the wayside. In that case, when he's feeling especially sexy, he may ask,

"Is it always going to be like this -- that we're not getting along well enough to have sex?"


"What would I have to do to get this relationship back together to where making love seems appealing, and appropriate?"

That last question is a GOOD question! In bringing to light a question like that, the inner dog is doing Mark, his wife, and their relationship a huge favor. Much more than their sex life stands to gain.


That is normal. Emotions can be positive or negative: joy, sweetness, or bittersweet; sorrow, loneliness, regret. Emotions may be heavenly, hellish, or anything in between. It is natural to feel all these things around sex.

It can be particularly difficult for people to handle some of the emotions associated with desire, such as feelings of longing and loneliness, on account of the very deep quality of these feelings. Sometimes we handle certain emotions particularly poorly, especially emotions that have a tinge of negative quality, such as sorrow.

Naturally, when troublesome emotions arise, we can become depressed, sad, or even angry and resentful. We may find ourselves walking down a trail into despair, maybe even giving up. That downward spiral may be natural enough, but clearly, it is not constructive enough. We should not use God's gift of emotional insight against ourselves. If they are constructively handled, negative emotions can be very positive in effect.

At times we might feel, "I'm in hell," and yet come out the other side cleansed, renewed, and bright. Feeling lonely, we might decide, "Wow, I need to get my life together! I need or I want to make my relationships work better!" We can consciously take any tribulation as an opportunity to grow.

TIP: USE emotions -- even difficult ones -- to your real spiritual advantage. There are ALWAYS constructive ways to respond to feelings and the insights they bring. Ultimately, the real EFFECT of anything we feel depends what we make of it.


Well, at least you feel fantastic AT FIRST! That's wonderful. What you need to do, obviously, is figure out why you end up feeling worse. Here's a hint: You created something SO good, your ego felt threatened by it (you know, the fear of losing one's center, and such). While some of those fears may have legitimacy, many do not. To understand the difference, one must look at the BIGGER picture.

In general, ego will tend to rebel against any kind of upliftment -- you can almost set your watch by it. It will try to create a shift BACK into familiar territory, by offsetting your newfound joy with negative thoughts. Negative thoughts, as chilling as they are, effectively chop high energy levels back down to more hum-drum levels. That's the ego's way of trying to keep higher consciousness from becoming your new "norm."

As you have discovered, with HIGH WATTAGE running through those negative thoughts, their chilling effects dramatically increase. An energy-charged mind thinks very powerfully, and can create chilling effects much more quickly than you might suspect (-- until, at least, it strikes close to home!). Here's a humorous example of an ego-driven reaction process . . .

You won't be as susceptible in the future to this pattern now that you understand it, and know what to expect. Here's what to do to stay UP once you get up:

Tip #1: Be PREPARED. Expect ego to rear its ugly head when the going gets beautiful. When it does, don't even start down that negative-reactive road! Why submit to the temptation to buy into the negative just when you're feeling so good? Instead, if a doubt, fear, or concern of some kind creeps into your mind, recognize it as ego-sabotage, plain and simple -- and just say NO! And say no QUICKLY!

Tip #2: Cling to the positive things that you've created, and keep feeding them. This way, you'll continue to cause the positive effects you are experiencing, and be able to stay where your soul LOVES to be. If you stop causing what is beautiful, or switch to causing something else, the high experiences will probably go away.

Tip #3: Every turbo-charged mind needs firm and proper direction. Misdirected, or NOT directed, a high-powered mind can make a grand mess very quickly. This South American proverb said it perfectly: "The mind makes a good servant, but a bad queen."








That's not so strange; it's actually more common than you may think! Try getting some guys to say, "I love you"!

Positive feelings CAN be challenging to use constructively at times. Positive feelings can make us feel disoriented, if we're not used to feeling that happy and strong. They can also make us feel vulnerable and out of control when we hastily associate them, negatively, with unhealthy dependence on others.

Further, the more pleasurable feelings can cause us to unplug from our surroundings to focus on the sensation -- swooning, anyone? The tendency to become absorbed in subjective experiences, no matter how positive or pleasurable they may be, puts us out of touch with reality and blinds us to the needs of those around us. Awkwardness and other social problems can result.

The trick, as always, is to take what arises and use it for the good. Certainly, positive feelings are inherently uplifting -- and eminently shareable -- as long as we don't react negatively to them. Better that we share them -- gracefully, with love.

click to hear Radha's testimonial


This audio clip contains foul language.