What the Mystical Sphere Contributes to the Practical Sphere

It is said, "Success is ten percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration." That formula beautifully describes one collaboration between the mystical and the practical. When our spirit is ablaze with inspiration, laziness and indifference go up in smoke -- and we become really WILLING to sweat for our dreams! And when mystic power blesses our labors, beauty is born.

Higher mind inspiration is high-octane fuel that helps propel us to greater success in our everyday lives. By bestowing higher energy, elevated consciousness, spiritual self-identification, and Divine connection, the mystic muse adds superhuman strength to human will, and expands creative vision.

But our pragmatic success owes more than that to the mystic. Each of the six primary benefits of the mystical sphere has specific, valuable relevance to human endeavors in the practical sphere







Higher energy

Higher consciousness

Deeper understanding

Healthy space

Higher identification / Higher tone

Divine revelation and guidance (higher intelligence)

1. Higher energy

Most reasons for doing spiritual practices have nothing to do with improving practical functionality. Nonetheless, the fruits of mystic engagement include a bonus of extraordinary power and stamina for dealing with our practical responsibilities and service commitments. The effect goes far beyond what we would get from having a nap or taking a break. We are not simply recharged -- we are HIGHLY charged!

If you don't believe mystical experience energizes living, try following a spiritually advanced soul around for a week! Mystics can be very hard to keep up with because of their tendency to be extremely energetic. It is not unusual for an old mystic to overtax the reserves of several young assistants.

Consider the source: God's endless fountain of inspiration and energy. Every person has experienced, at times, a great force that practically blows us along, so that our feet barely touch the ground. When people say, "I've got a lot of wind in my sails," they really are talking, in many cases, about the Divine power of inspiration. At such times we feel like an endless fountain, and in fact, we really ARE, because we are connected to infinite Divine power through Divine inspiration.

The energy of Divinely inspired people clearly comes from beyond their normal physical sources and vital reserves. Divinely inspired people have always tapped into this inexhaustible and super-normal energy. God's inspiration energy provides them the great endurance that it takes to keep going on and on and on with preaching, loving, being, doing, serving. Even entertainers who are inspired by love also find this same supernatural force operating through them while performing on stage.

Many a servant of God has reported being at a low ebb in personal energy -- even physically ill -- but when the power of inspiration descended, they could exert great energy for extended periods of time. A preacher who could barely get out of bed gives an animated three hour sermon. He never doubted that he -- with unfailing help from above -- could do it. He KNOWS that high-powered performance did NOT come from his personal resources. We're nearly inexhaustible when doing Godly work under true inspiration. The mystical relationship with God gives us a direct draw on unlimited energy -- for however long we maintain our Divine connection.

The physical strength conveyed by Divine inspiration was independently confirmed in an interesting and completely unexpected way by a man who repairs electric pianos. He says that he is frequently asked to fix broken piano keys in churches -- and almost nowhere else. He has become quite a believer in the power of Divine inspiration, because only in churches are electric pianos played so hard that they break. Apparently, when the spirit moves, it does so with more force than an electric piano was built to handle!

The power of higher inspirations. WHAT we are inspired to do makes a difference. People always seem to have more energy for great ideas and great visions than they do for mediocre ones. For example, it may often be easier to get a person to build a castle than it is to get them to build a shack. The vision of the castle is so inspired and inspiring that it invokes more than enough energy from the builder to cover the extra effort involved! Whenever we have a particularly grand inspiration or a cosmically larger purpose, the purpose itself sparks the energy we need for getting it done.

Higher energy attracts the help we need. Most projects of significant size or importance cannot be completed in solitary fashion. So it is quite handy that people who are glowing with higher energy and inspiration are more likely to get the cooperation they need. An inspired person inspires confidence, support -- even willingness to pitch in and help -- from others.

Closed doors open easily for a vibrant person. For example, if you give a job interview with too little energy, you probably won't be considered no matter how good your qualifications. But if you present yourself with enough enthusiasm, a company with no openings may actually CREATE a position just for you!

2. Higher consciousness

The power of Unity for accomplishment. As we have pointed out, the awareness of the Unity of life naturally promotes considerate, sensitive, peaceable living. Mystic revelations of Unity also have many other practical implications. Clearly, a performer who is one with the music is a much better musician or dancer. An athlete at one with the slopes or one with the water makes a great skier or swimmer. The Unity advantage applies even to the most mundane activities. A person who is one with a padlock has great potential as a locksmith! A girl who is one with her puppy makes a great pet owner. EVERYTHING goes better with Oneness!

Higher perspective

A popular activist slogan advises, "Think globally, act locally." Great idea, but how many of us can truly "think globally"? From our ordinary perspective, many of us are hard-pressed to see beyond our own self-interests, to truly sympathize with people outside our immediate family, race, or religion, or to really care about happenings at any distance from our community or country.

And, when we lack a higher perspective, even our "local actions" may be inappropriate.

Example: A woman goes to a meeting excited about an idea she has, which she thinks will help everyone there. But, when she remains insistent despite many objections from the others, she ends up ALIENATING everyone instead.

At mundane levels of consciousness, people tend to look at the world as if through a toilet paper tube, tackling the problems on by one as they arise, but with little regard for the long range implications or wider ramifications of their solutions. That, obviously, is dangerously shortsighted. No wonder narrow perspective limits our success at practical living! To succeed, we really need to be more circumspect in our considerations, more comprehensive in our thinking. Unless we are considerate of the needs and opinions of others, and thoughtful about the future implications of actions undertaken today, we may simply trade one problem for a worse one.

To the extent that mystic awareness RAISES our perspective, it gives us far broader horizons and longer-range vision. The more we can see and take into account, the better our decisions, and the better our course corrections.

Brighter presumptions

Without question, a depressed person doesn't strive as actively, or aspire as high, as a happy individual. As a result, an individual whose thought is dark and depressing is far less likely to succeed at virtually anything than is a person whose thought is happy and optimistic. The brightness of any person's presumptions -- their sense of confidence, well-being, optimism, capability, and potential -- determines, to a large extent, the kinds of challenges the person is willing to face, the degree of effort and energy the person is willing to exert towards the achievement of success, and the length of time they are willing to work before giving up. So, by raising the level of our thoughts, mystic achievement improves our life prospects as a whole.

Under brighter thought, not only do we work better and aim farther, but our high-minded thoughts exert a distinctly positive influence on the world, through which doors open, situations resolve themselves, opportunities appear as if by magic, and people step forth to assist us. A woman who believes in the goodness of others treats people well, and inspires generosity in return. A man who lives by high principles attracts supporters who further his work. NEVER underestimate the (seemingly) magical power of positive presumptions.

In addition, through the principle of resonance, our bright presumptions literally strengthen the bright presumptions of others -- rendering our helpers more capable and willing, and our companions more supportive of our higher aspirations.

Greater clarity

Higher energy and elevated consciousness -- both richly provided by mystical endeavors -- can make a huge positive difference in our effectiveness at living by increasing our clarity. Improved awareness of the more subtle aspects of our environment allows us to be much more competent in practical situations of all kinds. Increased clarity enhances our ability to analyze past performance, to visualize desired results, and to make better decisions by envisioning the possible consequences of competing alternatives.

Clarity doesn't only show us more details in the outer world. It also shows us things about ourselves. In higher consciousness states, we are finally BOTHERED by previously ignored downsides of our own negative patterns. We may see, at last, why our friends have been complaining about our bad habit of stubbornness or procrastination. We may notice for the first time that we avoid healthy challenges too often. This report is typical:

"After meditating regularly for a few weeks, I noticed myself being argumentative in meetings. And, I realized I've done that all my life."

Insights like that create immediate change in lives that have been stuck for decades. Greater clarity gives us valuable insight and motivation with which to personally improve our methods and tune up our attitudes.

Improved discernment

The higher consciousness we enjoy as a result of mystical experience gives us more free attention to better observe our lives, the world, and the people around us. For example, anyone could tell whether an experience was "good" or "bad;" with higher consciousness, we might have the discernment to understand what, specifically, was good or bad ABOUT it.

Higher consciousness not only allows us to perceive more detail, it also helps us more easily grapple with the implications of the information we gather. We're more comfortable with complexities and less compelled to gloss over contradictions. We can even use observations of negative factors for the good -- by working to change the problematic aspects of our circumstances, or to improve our attitudes about them.

These extraordinary powers of discernment allows high-minded mystics to exhibit very down-to-earth wisdom. They enjoy keen awareness of the relevance of events and ideas -- and profound appreciation of the fairly complex interrelations they need to take into account for a comprehensive and evenhanded consideration of any situation. We'll never know, but chances are that King Solomon of Biblical fame got his legendary wisdom from the mystic!

3. Deeper understanding

As you relate to a friend over the course of an evening, you find your conversation moves through many levels, almost like peeling layers of an onion, as it progressively deepens and becomes more intimate. Finally you get down to the core realities of what really matters.

Just as human beings find levels of commonality and understanding in the depths of relationship that they could never enjoy on more superficial levels of exchange, we also find far better understandings and solutions when we take a deeper look into the practical situations that confront us in life. The more deeply we can contemplate a challenge or a problem, the more confidently we can face it and the more effectively we can handle it.

Mystic experience provides the depth of understanding we need. Our perceptions of the nature of a problem or goal deepen steadily as our consciousness rises. Even in the most pragmatic areas of life, when we finally penetrate into the very depths of the situation, we are likely to find an intensely resonant and spiritually appropriate answer, insight, or solution. When our perception and understanding is deep, broad and penetrating, our response will almost always produce improved results, in every field of endeavor.

4. Healthy space

Lack of grace from lacking space. Have you ever been so concerned or self-conscious that you ran into the furniture? And, as if the minor injuries to our toes and shins weren't bad enough, our clumsiness may be accompanied by dangerously dim thinking -- the kind of thought that is equally accident-prone! Bumbling behavior and jumbled judgment result from not having enough SPACE. Both hinder our attempts to get things done in the practical sphere.

Fresh pair of eyes. It is clear we need more space -- that is, broader perspective -- when we're bumping into doors and tripping over sofas. Our need for space is just as real even at times when it's not as obvious.

Specifically, we need objectivity and free thinking to solve problems. Sometimes we feel we need to solve our problems IN ORDER TO get space from them; but sometimes, if we are to solve them at all, we may need to get space on them FIRST.

No one has much objectivity or constructiveness when their brow is too furrowed with worry. Thoughts get furrowed, too! When we lack space, we tend to get stuck repeating the same unhelpful thoughts over and over, digging deeper and deeper grooves into the gray matter of our minds. That unhelpful tendency brings to mind this humorous quip:

"He's the kind of fellow who hits bottom and keeps on digging."

Space helps us get out of our ruts by giving our thoughts a different "place to come from" and suggesting new forks in our logical trail. New ideas, radical solutions, and great inventions can only come from thinking "outside the box." We gain ability that from space.

SPACE is why businesses pay big bucks to outside consultants to look at operations with fresh eyes, and propose changes. But space doesn't come exclusively from outside ourselves and our immediate environment. Mysticism gives us the space to get our fresh eyes from WITHIN. Mysticism helps the mind soar free of its little boxes of logic -- or illogic, as the case may be. It can even help the soul soar free of the confines of the body.

After meditating or other deep spiritual practices, people frequently find they have fresh eyes with which to see with their situation. For example, when a fellow arrives home from a retreat, he may be impressed -- enough to actually DO something about it -- how messy his house is. He may notice many, many things that need to be cleaned up or could be improved. The same is true of work lives, relationships, and so forth.

The mystic gives us fresh eyes to see the reality of our world, after existing in a state of partial blindness for perhaps many years. Suddenly, we SEE what needs to be done. THAT is liberating!

Not only can we see previously hidden needs and opportunities when we have space, but we can also think in new ways about old, unsolved problems. To better see our challenges and opportunities, as a result of greater space, is an amazing and remarkable benefit of mystical experience that has many applications and advantages for the refinement of practical life.

5. Higher identification / Higher tone

Higher identification

The costs of ego-identification. Ego-identification has a significant impact on practical life at all levels. Conflict and war -- little known among mystics, but rampant wherever ego flourishes -- are the world's most costly problems, even on the smallest of scales. A man who has been fired at several jobs and divorced by a couple of wives knows exactly how EXPENSIVE and IMPRACTICAL the results of conflictual living can be.

The world is in a constant state of conflict and turmoil on the personal, interpersonal, community, and global levels because of the runaway self-interest and narrow-mindedness of ego-identified people who lack the unifying perspective that mystics have. That's why we desperately need not just action, but SPIRITUALIZED action in everyday life.

Heroes are self-transcendent. The certainty of a supreme and unending spirit reality allows truly spiritual people to live boldly and decisively in a world fraught with apparent dangers. Throughout human history, that sense of transcendent immortality has produced the greatest accomplishments and most courageous efforts of all time. Fearlessness born of spirit identification makes people effective, potent, high in impact.

A person who accepts his or her identity as a child of God has a naturally high estimation of self-worth and personal destiny. The spirit-identified person also values other people's lives highly enough to take heroic action to save them, even if it means risking possible injury to themselves. In taking those risks, they're prioritizing the values of the SPIRIT over the smaller, selfish concerns born of bodily-identification.

Ego-transcendence is the very ESSENCE of heroism. Somebody who jeopardizes their comfort or even their life for the sake of others is doing an inherently self-transcending action. The spirit-identified individual says, "Hey, I'm a child of God! I'm not going to be harmed even if my body takes a nick, even if my ego takes a bruise, even if my personality is insulted. None of this is going to hurt me, because I am a spiritual being on a mission from God."

Conversely, an individual who is excessively identified with the body tends to be cowardly and selfish: the woman who refuses to do any housework because she may break a nail; the man who won't help a struggling friend carry their heavy load for fear of hurting himself; the student who turns down a classmate's plea for help with homework in order to have more time for his own studies. Obviously, too much identification with one's body and lower mind preferences tremendously reduces a person's ability to contribute in the practical sphere.

Higher tone

To create dynamically positive results, we must not only act responsibly and constructively, we must THINK that way as well. Thought determines the actions we choose to do, and the SPIRIT in which we do them. The tone of our thoughts also creates effects directly, independent of any actions we take, by INFLUENCING those around us. People rightly describe these influential tones of thought and mood as "vibrations."

The challenge of spiritualized action is to firmly attach ourselves to the highest and best interpretations of everything that can happen. To use high-toned thought to raise the vibrations of everything around us is the miraculous method of spiritual alchemy. By bringing high-toned thought to bear on our own body, mind, and world, we gently but inexorably create transformation in this gross world of circumstance. It's a simple matter of influence.

Through the birds-of-a-feather principle, we naturally attract to ourselves and our projects people whose thoughts and deeds vibrate with a similar tone to ours. And by the operation of the principle of resonance, the vibrations we cultivate in ourselves will always tend to strengthen similar vibrations in others. In a mundane case, two pessimistic people reinforce each others' tendency to depression and failure. But, taking advantage of the consciousness- and energy-raising virtues of the mystical sphere to raise our own tone as much as we can, we can maximize the chances for a good outcome in life, AND bring out the very best in the people we encounter. That's spiritual alchemy at work.

This is practical life as God meant it to be lived; this is living at its highest! This is life fulfilling its true purpose, which is to raise life up, with our own high frequency vibration, to happiness, joy, ecstasy! Raising ourselves TO those higher levels is the very heart of all mystical/spiritual processes.

6. Divine revelation and guidance (higher intelligence)

"Intuitive flashes" from the mystic. Like inspiration, intuition is a marvelous gift from the mystical to the practical. Though we often rely on intuition so routinely we take it for granted, intuitive insights can be remarkable in their effects, sometimes producing near-miraculous answers and ideas. SAVED by an unexpectedly bright idea? We'd say that qualifies as "Divine intervention"!

No matter what words they use to explain the phenomenon, many inventors, artists, and geniuses in all fields of human endeavor are strongly convinced that humanity's greatest ideas actually come from unseen higher intelligence BEYOND the everyday world of ordinary thought -- really from what we recognize as mystical sources of inspiration. These creative people will say that even when they try to tackle a problem systematically, their answers often come when they least expect them, in dreams and flashes of inspiration that bear little resemblance to their most recent train of thought.

Still small voice: the mystic gift of inspiration. In the section on tone we considered the role of our thoughts as the basis for our action. As a matter of habit, people rely heavily, if not exclusively, on their OWN thoughts. This sounds reasonable, until you realize how closed-minded it tends to be. People can take that so far that they question ANY idea that they themselves didn't think of!

Better results are often achieved by people who collaborate with others, in keeping with the principle "two heads are better than one." Still, the best accomplishment of any person or group remains a quantum leap BELOW what can be done when DIVINE thoughts guide thought and action. The truth is, providential inspiration takes the lid off limitation!

Divine promptings are one of the most sublime yet most practical gifts of the mystic sphere to everyday life. The essence and guiding force of living spirituality is willing, active cooperation, in practical life, with the living guidance of the still small voice. More than any other single factor, Divine guidance distinguishes weak, creature-powered deeds from spirited, spiritualized action.

Divine promptings are no ordinary "to do" items! There is no purely mortal achievement in the realm of practical action that can hold a candle to the effectiveness we are assured when we obediently follow our Divine promptings. The still small voice very specifically directs implementation in minute and effective ways every day. And to empower us on our wonderful mission, the still small voice also provides the appropriate timing and energy to make the mission successful. Each of the still small voice's messages is a love letter from God WE get to deliver -- if only we WILL.

For more information on using Divine guidance in practical life, read these articles:

The Right Direction: Divine Direction

How the Still Small Voice Works

Why Obey the Still Small Voice

How to Use Your Spiritual Power and Influence

The mystic rescues ordinary life from an ordinary destiny

What is the source of a full and worthwhile life? The SPIRIT in which it is lived. Each increment of spiritual awareness improves the quality of our daily lives and activities appreciably by raising our vibration. The greater our awareness of spirit meanings and realities . . .

the broader and higher-toned our considerations

the more constructive our interpretations

the more spiritually appropriate our choices/decisions, and

the more open we are to Divine thoughts and influences.

No amount of skill, no lucky accident of fate or coincidence, and no mere accumulation of wealth and possessions can make life as successful and fulfilling as spiritual consciousness does. When the sunlight of mystical awareness shines on the fields of human endeavor, beautiful things grow.