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These 6 words represent fundamental qualities of spiritual LIFE and spiritual PEOPLE. Click on any word for a detailed definition of the selected quality, and reflect on its meanings. Then, consider its application in life. This can help you develop your chosen quality.
To read about the contribution of each fundamental quality to a specific area of human endeavor, click the small tab below that corresponds to your area of interest.
Life runs on LIFE -- and in general, the more LIFE, the better. But abundant energy, if misdirected, only creates abundant problems. The QUALITY of energy that supports life BEST has a higher vibration than mere physical vitality. What we should cultivate is not just MORE energy, it is HIGHER, BRIGHTER energy -- that comes from good intentions, and higher connection.
ENERGETIC / RADIANT: Have heat, will radiate; have light, will shine.
Bringing energy to one's relationships -- by being vibrant, dynamic, radiant, outward, and nutritive.
UPLIFTING: Good energy fixes two problems: no energy, and bad energy.
Uplifting, inspiring, and nourishing others by being vibrant and lively with them -- and by taking appropriate "risks."
SPONTANEOUS: If I'm not free, how can I be me?
Enlivening friends and associates by being (appropriately) free and uninhibited around them -- and by taking (appropriate) risks. (Needless to say, what is appropriate will vary widely depending upon the person, the relationship, the context, and the needs of the moment. It is wise neither to OVERestimate nor UNDERestimate what you can get away with.)
FEELING / ALIVE: Bring life to the party; people who love life will come.
Willing to personally FEEL in the presence of others -- and to be sensitive/responsive to what they feel.
CONSCIOUS: Seeing being is far more important than being seen.
Attuned of the needs of others, and to the needs of the moment. Appropriately responsive and helpful as a result.
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