Building a Spiritual Life from the Ground up

Spiritual evolution cannot be viewed as a compartmentalized series of studies and practices -- it is an integral whole, just as human consciousness is integral. Foundation level work not only precedes more advanced work, it also ongoingly supports the higher levels of actualization. As requirements on each level are honored and fulfilled, the powers of each level COMBINE, furthering the individual's spiritual growth and potential for both personal enlightenment and Universe service.

As you know, human nature tends to resist taking care of business at the lower levels, preferring to focus attention exclusively on higher levels. Nonetheless, effectiveness at higher levels always depends on strength of the foundation below. For example, as you build harmony in the physical and social areas of life, the resulting improvement at lower levels makes the higher, so-called "more spiritual" levels of living stronger, more stable, and more fruitful.

The influence of the lower on the higher is direct and powerful. For instance, a person may labor for years under the negative influence of a condition like unpaid taxes or a delinquent school loan. Once the situation is set right, suddenly as if by magic, ALL of life seems much brighter. It feels as if a huge weight has been lifted. THEN the person can tackle the higher challenges successfully.

Even an achievement as humble as a tidy room exerts a powerful effect on the emotional and etheric levels of the being. You have probably observed this: when you set your home in good order, the resulting physical harmony exudes a powerful vibration of bright rightness in all directions. That vibration radiates through all the spheres or levels of being, and harmonizes conditions clear to the top. You immediate notice that your attention is freer, your thinking is clearer, your body is lighter. All this, from a little housekeeping! How exquisitely handy, that the rightness manifested in one level bubbles up to raise all the other levels!

It is truly marvelous, that one simple creation becomes a charm, a blessing, and a generating station that resonates and reiterates itself all up and down the line. In our description of spiritual evolution and practice, we CELEBRATE and TAKE ADVANTAGE the fact that the mundane can so powerfully influence the subtle. That's why, in our perspective, ALL levels are addressed and healed.

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