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These 6 words represent fundamental qualities of spiritual LIFE and spiritual PEOPLE. Click on any word for a detailed definition of the selected quality, and reflect on its meanings. Then, consider its application in life. This can help you develop your chosen quality.
To read about the contribution of each fundamental quality to a specific area of human endeavor, click the small tab below that corresponds to your area of interest.
ACTION -- its quality, power, and persistence -- brings spiritual life to life. The shoe in heaven comes down to earth the moment you put it on your foot, and start walking.
COURAGEOUS: Brave and bold in living; strong in facing challenges.
Actively, courageously, and creatively embracing life EXPERIENCES to expedite growth. And within that: showing willingness to go beyond past achievements, adapt to new states, and embrace new ways of thinking and doing.
IMPLEMENTING: Bringing promises, vows, and purposes into manifestation.
FOLLOWING THROUGH on growth-serving resolves and inspirations. Turning good DREAMS into good REALITIES by virtue of diligent effort.
RESPONSIBLE: Taking responsibility for one's actions -- and for the mentality that brings action to life, colors it, and determines its effects.
OWNING one's highest spiritual standards of ethics and rightness -- and earnestly trying to live up to those standards.
CONTRIBUTING: Generative. Generous. Happy to do one's fair share -- and more.
Maintaining a healthy, balanced relationship to sources of support and wisdom -- by means of generous, appropriate reciprocation.
PERSERVERING: Having perseverance and stamina. Not easily discouraged.
Persistent, determined, dauntless, and diligent in pursuit of growth. Showing stamina in facing the ongoing challenges of evolutionary progress.
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