The Evolution of Love from Personal to Cosmic

As we practice loving and grow in our ability to love, we naturally progress from PERSONAL love, to TRANSPERSONAL love, and finally awaken in COSMIC love. We all start with personal love -- the loving care offered by one individual to another. In personal love, we surrender to the true human needs of others, and do everything in our human power to fill them. The effort to master personal love gradually purifies our minds and hearts to the point where we are both willing and able to hear and surrender to the Still Small Voice. At this point our mission of love becomes much more effective -- because it is no longer OURS. It also becomes truly universal. Finally, transpersonal love matures into Cosmic love, in which we are constantly aware that all beings live within the condition and reality of God, who is Love, and who is our own Self as well. We realize that love is no longer anything that needs to be "done" -- it is always full, and always present. See Article

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